Analysis on design of Phase-segregated distance protection and multiplexer interface of communication 分相式距离保护与通信复接接口设计问题分析
Its feature is that the side of exchange and spread-spectrum multiplexer cancels self-disc and rebuilds 4W E& M interface, the other side holds self-disc. 其特点是交换机侧、扩频复接器侧的一端载波机取消自动盘而改造4WE&M接口,对端保留自动盘。
This system contains pressure scanner modules and a pressure calibration unit of an original electronically scanning pressure measurement system ( PSI 780B), a multi channel A/ D converter, a personal minicomputer ( PC 486) and a new designed pressure multiplexer interface. 它是由原电子扫描测压系统PSI780B的传感器模块及其校正单元、与多通道高速A/D板、PC486微机和新设计的测压点选通接口组成。
The RF multiplexer is a C-Size, 1-slot, register-based VXI module, a single FPGA is used to realize the VXI-bus interface conversion and control the state of relays to switch the multi-RF signals. 用一块FPGA实现VXI总线接口转换,进而控制继电器的开关状态。经测试表明,该模块工作稳定,能够有效地实现射频信号的多路切换功能。
This article focuses on the intelligence microwave traffic node system software for the design and realization of its main functions. It is to achieve wireless microwave terminals and PDH/ SDH/ Ethernet multiplexer integrated on the same platform, and provides for an SDH backbone network interface. 着重介绍了微波智能业务节点系统软件的设计和实现,其主要功能是将微波无线终端与PDH/SDH/Ethernet多路复用器集成在同一平台之上,提供一个面向SDH骨干网的接口。
The system consists of batteries, electrical components, detection boards, control board, optical multiplexer, man-machine interface and power supply system. 整个系统由蓄电池组、电气构件、检测板、主控板、光端机、人机接口和供电系统组成。